Why do I have to wear a mask even after the second dose of the vaccine?

Portrait of a young man showing his arm after vaccination
Portrait of a young man showing his arm after vaccination

Understand why it is important to continue protecting yourself and wearing a mask even after full immunization.

Even after vaccination – regardless of the immunizing agent used – it will be necessary to have a little more patience before abandoning the use of the mask. This rule is also independent of whether you have had covid-19 or not.

First, it is necessary to wait — at least 15 days — for the vaccine to reach the expected efficacy. This is because the working mechanism of a vaccine consists in the introduction of a particle called an antigen, which induces an immune response in the body.

The antigen makes the body able to recognize the virus and produce antibodies. If the organism comes into contact with the virus in the future, it will already have the memory to fight it and will be able to face it efficiently.

Still, remember that no vaccine is 100% effective and even if you are immunized you can contract the virus. The difference is that, with the vaccine, the risks of complications, hospitalizations and death are drastically reduced.

The medical recommendation is to continue avoiding crowded places. Infectologists estimate that we will be able to completely abandon the masks when 80% of the population over 18 years of age is vaccinated – with two doses, it’s worth noting. As of early July 2021, only 12% of the population is fully immunized.

Do you have the impression that everyone’s life has returned to normal, except here in Brazil? The answer is simple. Countries like France, New Zealand, Australia, Spain and China no longer need to use masks indoors because the circulation of the virus decreased with mass vaccination, as well as the number of cases.

However, there are scientists and doctors who disagree with this guideline, as they believe it is too early for people to leave the mask aside, even in these countries, as there is a risk of new variants emerging and there are still many unvaccinated people.

So, even if you have been vaccinated, continue to follow the recommended prevention measures: wear a mask, keep your distance from other people and avoid crowded and poorly ventilated places.

Font: drauziovarella.uol.com.br


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